Comparison of SIC with LC
Since sample is metered by reversal movement  of the  syringe pump, the injected sample volume can conveniently be optimized. This feature was confirmed in a work where also comparison of SIC with HPLC was carried out (Šatínský 2003).

A Chromolith® Flash RP-18e, 25mm × 4.6mm column  (Merck, Germany) was used for separations with a mobile phase of  acetonitrile:water (40:70 (v/v)) + 0.05% triethylamine, pH 2.5. A gradient flow rate was applied for separation of methylparaben (MP), propylparaben (PB), and sodium dichlofenac (SD) with a butylparaben (BP) internal standard Comparison of  the resulting chromatograms demonstrate that SIC yields  separations that are similar  to the performance of HPLC.

This finding is likely to  apply to isocratic separation of a small number (~5) of components. For a larger number of components, the physical and mechanical limitations of SIC hardware (finite syringe stroke volume, low back pressure tolerance, limited gradient capability) are restricting separation efficiency.

Further examples of using SIC for pharmaceutical analysis can be found in the following papers (Chocholouš 2006, Chocholouš 2007).

Šatínský D., Solich P., Chocholouš P., Karlícek R.: Anal. Chim. Acta, 499 (2003) 205-214.
Chocholouš P., Šatínský D., Solich P.: Talanta 70 (2006) 408–413.
Chocholouš P., Holík P., Šatínský D., Solich P.: Talanta 72 (2007) 854–858.